REDD+ Republic of Congo: Engaging Communities in Sustainable Forest Management Brings Benefits

World Bank

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The Republic of Congo is highly dependent on forest resources for livelihoods. Despite being the second most valuable natural resource after oil, forests contribution to the national economy is relatively low. Deforestation and degradation rates, although low by international standards, have been rising rapidly in recent years. They are predicted to accelerate further as the country attempts to develop forest areas, and as the population grows by about 3% per year.

This video is part of a series featuring results under the REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation Initiative), a system of financial incentives for more sustainable forest management. It depicts forest communities’ livelihoods, drivers of deforestation and its human impacts in Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Ghana, Liberia, and Mozambique

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